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Training for Master Trainers on "Natural Farming" from 24-27 March, 2025
Training on National Mission on Edible Oils (NMEO) for nominated Agri Officials

Welcome To Punjab Agricultural Management & Extension Training Institute (PAMETI)

Punjab Agricultural Management and Extension Training Institute (PAMETI) is a state level training Institute established in the campus of Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana. The institute imparts training to root and middle level extension functionaries from agriculture and allied departments in the areas of agricultural management and extension. It is the sole autonomous training institute in the state functioning by the funds provided under the “Krishonnati  (Krishi Unnati) Yojna.” (60:40) of Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers’ Welfare, Govt. of India. It started functioning in December, 2000.

PAMETI building was inaugurated by then President of India, His Excellency, Dr A P J Abdul Kalam on September 4, 2003. In addition to training extension officials, PAMETI also organizes various trainings for the benefit of farmers, farm women, unemployed rural youth, landless laborers, agricultural graduates, input dealers, members of farmers’ groups, FPOs, NGOs, cooperatives, etc. under various government schemes.



The scientific agricultural development has resulted in manifold enhancement in productivity to match the increasing food demand. Green revolution technologies in Punjab have led to the emergence of rice-wheat as a major cropping system.

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Vice Chairman

Vice Chairman

The scientific agricultural development has resulted in manifold enhancement in productivity to match the increasing food demand. Green revolution technologies in Punjab have led to the emergence of rice-wheat as a major cropping system.

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Director's Desk

Director's Desk

The scientific agricultural development has resulted in manifold enhancement in productivity to match the increasing food demand. Green revolution technologies in Punjab have led to the emergence of rice-wheat as a major cropping system.

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Post Graduate Diploma in Agriculture Extension Management (PGDAEM)
This is a one year distance learning free course for extension functionaries graduated in agriculture and allied sectors and employed in the agri/allied depts to enhance their techno-managerial competence. Private candidates graduated in agri, allied subjects and other graduates working in agri-business companies, NGOs, Cooperatives, FPOs, Agri-enterpreneurs and Input Dealers may also apply for this course with a total fee of Rs. 15000/-.

Diploma in Agriculture Extension Services for Input Dealers (DAESI)
This one year (48 classes on Saturdays/Sundays) diploma is meant for practicing agricultural input dealers (Fee Rs. 10,000/-) or fresh candidates (Fee Rs. 20,000/-) to impart them practical, location specific agricultural knowledge and make them eligible for input dealer license.

Skill Training of Rural Youth (STRY)
STRY aims at imparting skill based 6-days free trainings for unemployed rural youth between the age from 18 to 45 years in agriculture based vocational areas so that they can start their own ventures.

Certificate Course on Integrated Nutrient Management for Fertilizer Dealers (CCINM)
This 15-days residential course is meant for both practicing and prospective fertilizer dealers to make them eligible for fertilizer license and develop them as para-professional on soil health management with a total fee of Rs. 12,500/-.

Certificate Course on Insecticide Management for Insecticides Dealers/Distributers (CCIM)
This 12-weeks (1 class per week) course is meant for practicing insecticide dealers to enhance the professional competency of insecticide dealers, distributers or retailers with fee of Rs. 7600/- per candidate.

Agri- Clinics and Agri- Business Centers Scheme (ACABC)
This programme aims to provide free start up training to graduates in agriculture or allied subjects so that they may establish their own agri clinics or agri business centers. Those completing the training can apply for special start-up loans for ventures.

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    Our Address

    Punjab Agricultural Management & Extension Training Institute (PAMETI)

    (Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers’ Welfare, Govt. of India) PAU Campus, Ludhiana- 141004

    Tel: 0161-2401960-79, Ext. 422, 2770059

    Email: pametiludhiana@gmail.com